Saturday, December 18, 2010

Music Producers Lounge

          Hello all you fellow producers. This is simply an account of my life with music production and the lives of others who want to join in. Got a song you wanna share? Need help with lyrics or production? Or just want to talk about music in general. This is the place. I don't know about you but music is my life. Of course no music is better than the music you create yourself. And no feeling is better than watching someone jam out to it. Be it rap/hiphop rock/metal/acoustic or dance/techno/house. I create it all. And I love it all. The only thing I am a little shaky on is country...not a big fan of it though I might try and recreate that sound in a couple songs one day. I will just be sure to not make it depressing like 95% of country music lol. To me they are the original emo. Cry Cry Cry omfg my horse wife left truck brokedown....ran out of booze. Its all just soooo sad lol. But I will admit there are a couple good drinking songs....though I have to already be pretty drunk to enjoy them.

           So got something you wanna share? Feel free to post a link and I will check it out. I can be harsh in my critizism sometimes but that is only because that is the best way to be the best. Have someone tell you how shitty it sounds lol. Nah I will never just flatout say that your song is crap. Theres always pros and cons involved. And I will simply state them both. I mainly look for song structure, sound quality, and lyrics. Smaller things would be sound choices, mix choices, and beat pertaining to what the song is doing. You always need to use your percussions to accent. If you accent wrong it can ruin your whole song.

           If your interested in anything I have written let me know. I currently don't have anything on the web for fear of it being stolen. But I do have some songs I wouldnt mind putting up because I don't plan on copyrighting them anyway. And some songs that I DO have copyrighted and wouldnt mind putting it up. Cause if someone famous steals it and makes it big....then I get paid :D haha. Currently I have about 25 songs written of different genres. Rock being my favorite...but seeing as how I am without a good amp right now I have to rely on software to add any sort of distortion effect.

           The gear I use is pretty simple....I have a starcaster acoustic....a first act electric with active emg pickups. A "rock band" microphone...(lol) which actually works pretty well. But I have to do alot of editing to make the quality sound a little more professional. And the software I use to record is Audicity and Fruity Loops...or FL studio. FL studio is probably one of the best music production softwares I have ever used. I have tried Ableton and garageband and Acid and a few others. Those are more user friendly. FL studio has a HUGE learning curve and is quite confusing at first. But...I have been using it since I was 12. and I am 21 now. So I think I have pretty much got it figured out. In fact, that is how I learned to do anything and everything I know. Have never gone to school. Even though I plan to. I simply bought a dvd or two and a couple books here and there. Then BAM im a music producer haha. It wasnt that hard to figure out. And for any newcomers I would be glad to teach you the basics. One being that you plug a mike in....and hit record. BAM your a music producer too :P If only it were that simple right?

        Well feel free to share your thoughts on anything regarding music. Hit me up

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